
News of fresh releases, upcoming projects and exhibitions.

The Leathersellers' Hall exhibition

Last weekend I took part in an exhibition at the home of the Worshipful Company of Leathersellers', one of the oldest Livery Companies in the City of London. The presentation was part of London Craft Week and brought together a group of leatherworkers from round the UK to showcase work in this very special place. I'm honoured to have been selected.

The 'Company of Leathersellers' was created by royal decree back in the year 1444. It gave them responsibility for regulating all leather sold within the bounds of the old City. (For those readers outside the UK, the ancient 'City of London' is not equivalent to the modern city but is a city-within-a-city. The 'City of London' is the walled medieval settlement which the metropolis grew up around. To this day it has slightly different laws and governmental mechanisms to the rest of the capital.) 

 I was lucky enough to receive an award from the Leathersellers' in 2014 and 2015 so it was especially meaningful to show my work in the companies new home. By chance, I was showing directly in from of the original 1444 Charter, a document which has been on display in every location in their 573 year existence.

Thanks to Bill Amberg for curating such a fantastic exhibition and thanks to all at the Leathersellers for hosting us with such generosity.


Mark Tallowin